Friday, March 4, 2011

Welcome Home

Being here is easy. People welcome us back as if they were expecting us, and somehow we slip into our lives here. Urbano and Svetlana sell us ricotta and stracchino and prosciutto and olives. Paula and Patrizia sell us bread and cantucci. GianCarlo gives us treats - "don't ask what it is. It is just to enjoy eating" - and calls us his "bambini." Andrea and Francesco pour us bottles of sfuso from Montalcino: 3 euro per litro! Fabio introduces us to his friends, the regulars, at Trattoria Mario and proudly displays the pictures we've taken for him of us wearing Trattoria Mario tee shirts in front of various iconic American venues: Niagra Falls, the White House, the Capitol, the Washington Monument, the Golden Gate Bridge. We were even greeted with a "ben tornati" at Casalinga, a very busy, large trattoria in the Ultr'Arno.  There is a place for us here, and once we arrive, we just slip into it. Very comfortable. Very easy.


  1. Now I know why we had to stop at Niagara Falls on that hellishly hot day when half the world was there.
    Tell Fabio we were your enablers.

  2. Oh wow, I could totally go for some stracchino right now.

    Everything is going swimmingly here at the Syracuse Office. I've even got Netflix on the Apple TV working, thanks to an unsecured wireless network, a statically assigned IP address, and some jiggery-pokery on the laptop.

    Glad you're having a good time!
